How to Create a Website Like OnlyFans

Creating a website like OnlyFans is a good business idea. During the pandemic, apps like OnlyFans, TikTok, and Instagram were major sources of entertainment. These platforms provided tools for video, editing, design, podcast, music, streaming, and writing. 

In fact, OnlyFans became more popular than many of these platforms with a 70 percent increase in user base every month. This is because other platforms restrict the type of content you post but OnlyFans allows all content. 

What started as a passion for people is now raking in billions of dollars. Welcome to the Creator Economy!

The creator economy is booming and businesses are leveraging the opportunity to advertise their services and products. The total market size of the creator economy is estimated at $104.2 billion

Want to start a creator marketplace like OnlyFans? Discuss your idea with our experts.

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Why is this so?

According to Statista, there are more than six billion smartphone subscriptions in the world and over 4 billion people use social media. Social media platforms are free and anyone can create and publish clickable content that redirects people to online stores.

There are endless opportunities for content creators including brand deals and collaborating with companies. Creators can even start their own businesses through this medium too. 

A good example of this is Nuseir Yassin, popularly known as Nas Daily. He became an influencer after posting 1000 one-minute videos in 1000 days on Facebook. Nas has equally built a platform called Nas Academy for media and education content creators.

Content-sharing platforms like OnlyFans are helping content creators to earn income online. So, if you’re thinking about creating an OnlyFans clone site, you’re in luck. 

In this article, I will share how to create a website like OnlyFans and all you should know about the platform, so you can create your own OnlyFans clone without any hitch.

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is a social platform where content creators earn money when their fans subscribe to enjoy their content. The company was founded in 2016 and is owned by Fenix International Limited. Its headquarter is in London, spearheaded by Amrapali Gan, the CEO.

How OnlyFans works

As a creator, you can upload your unique content behind a paywall that your fans can get access to when they make the monthly payment. Moreover, fans can send DMs to creators as a way to show support or ask for special content. In return, they make payments to the creators in the form of tips.

As a user, you can sign up and get an account the same way you would do on most social media sites. This account will give you access to the free content that is posted by creators on OnlyFans.

If you wish to get access to exclusive content, however, then you have to subscribe.

OnlyFans Business Model

OnlyFans uses a commission-based business model. It collects 20 percent and sends the remaining 80 percent to creators.

Creators sign up, then submit their bank details before fixing subscription fees. Subscription fees range between $4.99 to $49.99. However, OnlyFans creators can offer discounts on bundled subscriptions.

You can decide not to charge any fees until you gain followership. However, influencers, porn artists, and celebrities may start making money from the onset because of the number of followers they already have on other platforms.

Apart from subscription fees, OnlyFans creators can earn money in three different ways:

The first possible method is through tips. 

The least amount of tip you can get is $5. so, even if you do not earn much from a subscription, your earnings can be boosted by tips from fans. Tips can also be non-monetary; it could be an Amazon wishlist. 

However, no tip should exceed $100 for first-timers. After 4 months of signing up on OnlyFans, you can start collecting a maximum of $200 as a tip.

Next, you can earn through sponsored direct messages. 

Fans can request specific videos or images, then you compose the message and attach a price tag to the visuals. These messages are usually pay-per-view (PPV). Regular sponsored direct messages are capped at $100.

Lastly, you can earn through referral. 

When you refer a creator to sign up on OnlyFans, you will get 5 percent of their first year’s earnings. 

There are a lot of creator economy startups out there offering services to support creators. Let’s look into 30 successful startups.

How to Build a Website Like OnlyFans in 5 Steps

OnlyFans has been trending since the lockdown. If you decide to create a website like OnlyFans and replicate what they are doing, you may also get better results. But first, let’s discuss what you should do to become a top player.

Step 1. Study Your Target Audience

From basic knowledge of starting a business, the first thing you should do to build an OnlyFans clone site is to know who you want to sell to – your target audience. 

You should know what they like, the language they speak, what appeals to them, and where they spend more time. 

For instance, if your target audience is the Gen Zs, you should know their slangs are far different from that of the millennials.

You can check the OnlyFans app to read the feedback from their users and their customers. This will help you to understand consumers’ expectations, so you can weave your business strategy around those expectations.

Step 2. Find a Tech Team

Once you know the preferences of your target audience, you need to find a team that can build a site like OnlyFans. You can either hire a freelance web designer/ developer or an agency. Your decision depends on how much you are willing to spend.

The most popular freelance sites are Upwork and Fiverr. You can post jobs for free and get the best hands to assist you on your project even when you’re on a tight budget. However, ensure you prepare an outline of the project, so you and the freelancer are on the same page.

If you want to hire an agency, you should check LinkedIn or Google My Business

Some factors to consider when hiring a tech team are:

  • Their portfolio

You can easily find this on their website. What have they done in the past? Who have they worked for in the past?

  • Previous experience with similar projects

You need to find out if they have handled something close to what you want them to do for you. Have these guys been able to create a website like OnlyFans for a previous client? Even if they have never specifically built an OnlyFans clone site, if they have developed a clone site in the past, then there are chances they can equally build a site like OnlyFans.

  • Reviews from previous clients

What do their previous clients say about them? Have they been reviewed on Yelp? If yes, what kind of reviews do they have?

On the contrary, if you think hiring a professional web designer to build a website like OnlyFans will consume both time and money, you can opt for a website builder. 

It is beginner-friendly and affordable. The designs you want are pre-made, so all you need to do is just pick and drop. 

Here’s how it works…

First, you will choose a design template for the website. This takes care of the boring coding stuff that programmers do. 

Secondly, customize the template by selecting your preferred images, colors, fonts, and other elements, and that’s the end. Some website builders have the coding option, offering you a bit more flexibility if you already have some technical skills.

Step 3. Legal requirements

Learning how to start an adult subscription business is no small task; it involves paperwork and finances to create a business plan and grow your business online. The legal requirements of a subscription adult vary with the type of industry it involves and the type of data it collects. 

Here are the steps to follow when creating an adult subscription platform:

Select an ownership structure to know the liabilities and the taxes you need to pay. The common types of business structures are sole ownership, partnership, corporation, and limited liability company. 

No downloading, print-screening and recording in order to value the content.

Adhere to the website’s legal requirements like copyright, eCommerce, anti-spam, and plagiarism laws. Define Disclosures like terms and conditions, terms of users, shipping and return policies, etc.

Data privacy and collection requirements for legal compliance.

Identity verification checks that involve providing information to one or more identity verification service providers. For example, OnlyFans leverages identity verification software like Ondato, Jumio, Aristotle, etc., to complete the user verification process, which is an integral part of sign-up.

Step 4. Monetization feature 

Contrary to common misconceptions, the majority of income is generated not through paid subscriptions but rather via Pay-Per-View (PPV) messages that include multimedia attachments.

  • Paid Subscriptions
  • Direct messaging
  • PPV
  • Tips
  • Live streams

Step 5.  Launch your website

Choosing the appropriate software for building your website is important. There exists a wide array of software and content management systems, each offering unique features and functionalities. When making your decision, take into account factors such as user-friendliness, customization capabilities, and scalability. I will discuss how to build a website like onlyfans using Fanso in detail in the later section.

Must-Have Features of a Subscription-Based App like OnlyFans

OnlyFans has 3 sets of features that should form the premise of a subscription-based app

They include:

  • User features
  • Creator features
  • Admin features

I will discuss each category in detail. But if you want your OnlyFans clone site to stand out, you should be able to come up with your own unique features.

  • User Features

Purchase Token Packages

Set membership at different levels and prices. For instance, you can have silver, gold, and platinum packages with the prices going a notch higher than the previous.


Users can subscribe to monthly or yearly plans. You can even offer a free trial for 7 days and a discount on the first subscription.


The app should have an attractive user interface. Users should be able to navigate and see what they are looking for so they can quickly place orders. Also, the elements of the app must load quickly. A slow loading rate is a turnoff and eventually reduces conversion rates. 

Payment History

Payment history enables users to track subscriptions and see how much they have paid so far. They can also see the status of their transactions, whether failed, pending, or successful.

Browse Feeds and Posts 

Usually, feeds show popular content. Users should be able to explore feeds to access a wide range of content. They can also use filters to narrow it down to a specific type of content or creator.

User Dashboard

The dashboard should be easy to use and customizable. It should have a search function, so users can easily search for the profile of a creator.

Chat with Subscribed Models

Subscribed users should be able to DM content creators and other users. Real-time chatting is a catch these days.

  • Creator Feature 

Creator Dashboard

The dashboard of the OnlyFans website contains all the tools that creators need to create content. These tools should not be difficult to use. 

Creators should also be able to view the number of users who follow their posts or have subscribed to their content. 

They should also be able to see their content analytics: the number of impressions made and how many people are engaging them through those posts.

Create Posts

This feature enables creators to create posts in the form of images, videos, music, articles/blogs, or even a live stream. 


Creators can interact with their followers or subscribers via private chat. 

The chat section should enable them to share images, voice notes, and videos. It should also have an option for video calls, an avenue for creators to make more money.

Manage Subscriptions

With this feature, creators on the OnlyFans website are able to view the number of people requesting to subscribe to their content. They should also see the status of each person’s subscription. 

Creators can also have customized subscription plans, then send push notifications to subscribers to gain access to premium content within a specified period.

Video Management

Creators can manage all their video content using the video management feature. 

This includes uploading, editing, and sharing on the app. There should also be an option to share videos to other platforms like Instagram, TikTok, Spotify, and so on.

Store Management

Creators can track inventory with the store management feature. They can see the number of items sold to subscribed users.


The earnings feature is where a creator views the amount of money they have earned. OnlyFans allow creators to earn through subscription, tips, and direct messaging, so you should do the same if you want to build a site like OnlyFans. You can add other features like live calls too.

Payout Requests

After deductions, creators can request payment to their bank accounts. To make your OnlyFans clone site unique, you can include payment in cash or cryptocurrency. 

  • Admin Features

Admin Dashboard

This is where the admin can view the profiles of all users on the platform and approve requests to join. The admin can also block users who breach the platform’s policies and delete their accounts.

System settings

The admin can modify the app, change its theme, fonts, widgets, and so on. It can also grant permission to integrate third-party services.

Manage payout requests

When creators request payments, the admin can view and approve at the appropriate time. OnlyFans send out payments after 21 days.  

Payment history

All payments made to creators can be tracked through the admin’s payment history. So, if the creator reports a problem with payments, it can be reconciled from here. 

Subscription management 

Admin can access subscriptions to each creator’s content. This helps to track how much commission to expect from creators. 

Earnings history

Depending on the commission the platform charges, the admin can view how many commissions it has earned from each creator. 

Manage creators

The admin can view and approve or reject requests from creators who want to join the platform. After approval, the admin can manage their profiles.

Manage Galleries (Videos and Pics)

All videos and pictures created and shared on the platform can be viewed by the admin. 

How Much Does Developing an OnlyFans Clone App Cost?

OnlyFans clone app development will cost you between $20,000-$30,000 (twenty to thirty thousand US Dollars). It could be higher or lower depending on certain factors. 

These factors include:

  • The App Development Platform

Generally, developing an Android application is more expensive than an iOS app. So, you need to know the type of device your target audience uses. But if you have enough funds, you can create your OnlyFans clone app on both platforms.

  • The OnlyFans Clone App Features

The features you choose will determine the structure of the application as well as the framework the developers will use. 

Adding only the basic but necessary features will reduce the cost of building the OnlyFans clone app. You can always add new features later and update the app.

From the previous section, you can see that the OnlyFans app has features for users, creators, and admin. Each feature is essential and you can replicate that too.

  • Front and Back End

What the users will see is the front-end, that is the user interface. It should be simple and appealing. Use bright, matching colors that will grab the attention of even monochromatic individuals. 

The back-end should also be kept simple. If you choose any complex layout, the cost of developing the app will increase.

  • The Location of the Agency or Freelancer

As mentioned earlier, you can either choose an agency or a freelancer to build your app or website. If you hire talent in the USA, the fees may be higher compared to someone in Eastern Europe. However, you need to consider the experience and skill set of the agency or freelancer.

  • Integration with 3rd Party Tools

If your OnlyFans clone app will integrate with several 3rd party tools like payment platforms, it will increase the cost. So, for a start, use the most preferred user options.

  • The Approach

You can build an OnlyFans clone app using two methods: 

  • Building from scratch

This method is time-consuming and costly, but it offers a high level of customization.

  • Using an OnlyFans clone script

This method, on the other hand, is affordable because it is a ready-made solution. You can make just a few tweaks to the template.

The cost of developing an OnlyFans clone app totally depends on what you want for your business. You can contact several app developers to discuss your needs and then collect and compare quotes.

Why Buying a Ready-Made Script Like Fanso is a Better Option

With more people moving into the creator market, the demand for a subscription-based website like OnlyFans is becoming popular. If you are considering building an OnlyFans clone site or app, then you can build from scratch or use a service like Fanso.

What is Fanso?

Fanso is a platform for creating content marketplaces like Cameo, Patreon, OnlyFans, Playbook, Supercast, and Letterdrop using a ready-made script. You can have all your content in one place or narrow it down to entrepreneurship, photography, cooking, and so on.

The platform uses a MERN (MongoDB, Express, React, and Node) tech stack so you can easily scale your business. 

Should You Build from Scratch or Use Fanso?

If you are already a tech person, have an IT team, or have a lot of money to spend, you may want to build from scratch. You and the team can effortlessly tackle the technical aspects of web/app development.

The whole essence behind the decision to build a website like OnlyFans from scratch is that it gives you a sense of ownership as you work with the developers every step of the way. It also gives you control over the site features and hosting platform. You can choose to use a private server or a shared one.

Using Fanso, on the other hand, is a better option for people who do not have programming knowledge. 

Why Use Fanso?

  • With Fanso you will get a highly customizable OnlyFans clone script and still get 100% access to the source code.
  • Fanso is self-hosted and does not charge any recurring fees. 
  • You only make a one-time payment to access the OnlyFans clone script download file, which you can easily install. 
  • Coding a website takes time, which is not good for the content market. You can use Fanso to fast-track the entire process without having to hire anybody. 
  • The solution is white-labeled and allows you to customize your website to your preference.

Below are what some of our clients have to say

How to create a website like OnlyFans using Fanso

Step 1: Purchase a Domain Name

The first thing you want to do is purchase a domain name. You can do that at places like GoDaddy, BlueHost, or Hostgator. 

This process might frustrate you a bit because someone may have already bought the name you’ve been conjuring in your head. So, you need to tweak it a bit or choose a different name entirely.

You can also use WhoIs to check for name availability and save yourself the stress. 

Ensure that the name is short and easy to spell or remember. If the name is long or you use a variant spelling (e.g., janecakez instead of janecakes), it would be difficult to track your site.

Step 2: Select a Hosting Provider

Remember that OnlyFans projects adult content alongside other niches, so if you are building an OnlyFans clone, you should be sure the hosting service allows such content.

 Since you’re using Fanso, you can purchase both a domain name and a hosting plan together. Thankfully, you can use the M3Server for both hosting and domain. 

Step 3: Install Fanso

After selecting the domain name and hosting, it’s now time to install Fanso on the server. 

The requirements for installation are:

  • Your domain name
  • A stripe account
  • An unmanaged VPS server (Ubuntu operating system with root access)
  • A positive wildcard SSL

Fanso’s technical team will assist you with the installation. When the installation is complete, you can now add your preferred features. 

Fanso is a white-labeled platform, which means you can customize the site to your taste.

Step 4: Launch the Website

After Fanso must have helped you to build a website like OnlyFans, the last step you need to take is to launch the website. 

More importantly, you want people to know about your website. So, this is the point where you run some campaigns for promotion. You can achieve this by running Ads on different social media platforms, particularly where most of your target audience are and through press releases too.

Benefits of Leveraging Fanso’s Ready-Made Script to Create a Website Like OnlyFans

Fanso offers one of the best services when it comes to creating an OnlyFans type website. You may not get a free trial but for starters, paying $699 is cheaper than hiring a web developer. 

Other benefits of using Fanso include:

  • Complete Customization

I previously mentioned that the platform is white-labeled. So, it is easy to create a website like OnlyFans and infuse your own requirements such as user features, themes, fonts, and so on.

  • Affordable Solution

Fanso offers its basic plan at $699 and a professional plan at $1499. The basic plan is for start-ups while the professional plan is for developers or businesses with a technical team that can modify the source code. You will get free updates for one year. Afterward, you will pay $299 yearly to access recent updates.

  • Technical Support

Fanso’s technical support team is quick and responsive. They provide all the guidance you need to get started from installation to customization. 

Immerse yourself in a hands-on journey with our demo page. Explore the rich features and user-friendly UI/UX.

Marketing Strategies You Need To Maximize Growth & Boost Revenue

Referral programs

Referral programs can be highly beneficial for subscription-based platforms. Referral programs are a potent growth strategy for subscription-based platforms. These programs empower your existing customers to become enthusiastic advocates for your service, driving new customer acquisitions through their personal networks.

Offering free trial

Certainly! Offering a free trial in a subscription platform is a powerful way to attract potential customers and encourage them to experience your service. During the trial period, you’ll have full access to all our premium features. This means you can experience the complete range of services and capabilities that our subscription platform has to offer.

Collaborate with Influencers

In the realm of subscription marketing, partnering with influencers presents an invaluable avenue to connect with prospective customers. Influencer marketing proves highly effective as it provides businesses with access to a pre-established network of followers who hold trust and regard for the influencer they follow.

Email Marketing 

Email campaigns remain a tried-and-true method for establishing direct connections with your subscription clientele. Through the power of email marketing campaigns, you can engage both existing and potential customers in real-time, cultivate meaningful relationships, foster customer loyalty, and, in turn, drive sustained revenue streams.

Social Media

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Tiktok, serve as valuable resources for subscription-based businesses. They not only provide a direct channel to connect with millions of potential new subscribers but also facilitate the nurturing of existing customer relationships.

Moreover, by establishing vibrant communities on these platforms, you can effectively address customer inquiries, offer solutions to their problems, share valuable content, and more. These activities collectively enable you to establish meaningful connections with potential customers and acquire valuable insights into their preferences.


Considering the incredible growth of the creator economy, it isn’t out of place to want to build a website like OnlyFans, as OnlyFans is one of the popular content creation platforms. 

Additionally, if you want the site to be subscription-based, using an OnlyFans clone script will help you save the time and money that you would have spent on hiring a professional web developer. 

Thankfully, Fanso exists to help entrepreneurs like you build community-based platforms like the one you have in mind so you can take your mind off the technical details and focus on the business itself.


Why should I build a website like OnlyFans?

OnlyFans currently ranks as one of the top apps, indicating that the market is currently ripe for similar applications.

Is it profitable to make a OnlyFans clone?

Irrefutably, the demand for NSFW content-sharing websites, such as OnlyFans, continues to increase, and the platform is currently generating billions in revenue. Consequently, creating a website similar to OnlyFans has the potential to generate millions.

How much does it cost to make an website like OnlyFans?

OnlyFans like website development will cost you between $20,000-$30,000.

What other things to be considered for a site like OnlyFans?

Security, terms and privacy policies.

Can I scale an website like OnlyFans

Yes. You can integrate new features and functionalities as per the user preference.

Want more insights on OnlyFans & other platforms?

We write articles for creators & entrepreneurs interested in starting a subscription business. Follow us on X for latest trends, tips and product updates.

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