How to Build a Celebrity App like Cameo?

Could a creator platform be worth 1 billion dollars from just a roster of celebrities? Well, that’s what the celebrity marketplace Cameo obtained from its customer-centric approach! The Chicago-based platform employs a lucrative model, where fans can cherish their picture-perfect moments and celebrities rake in easy money with a one-minute video. So, it’s a win-win situation for both! 

While you are startled at the traction this buzzing platform could bring, here’s some good news! You could create your cameo-like platform and repeat history! All you need is a clear strategy on how to build a celebrity app like Cameo, and you’re set to be a part of the creator economy!

This blog offers a clear roadmap from research, business model, development and post-launch strategies. So, are you ready to build the next Cameo and monetize from your evangelists?

How Does Cameo Work?

Before understanding what it takes to create an app like Cameo, let’s understand how the platform works! As you know, Cameo is a celebrity-video sharing app with a long list of celebrities, including B-list actors, musicians, athletes, performers, social media influencers, comedians, creators, and more. Users order personalized video messages from their favorite celebrities for different occasions like birthday celebrations, achievements, or for even a good roast. 

Cameo is a two-sided marketplace that connects people to their favorite celebrities. Additionally, Cameo for Business is a separate platform for celebrity-driven business promotions .

Here’s how Cameo’s business model works:

  • Choose a celebrity based on your occasion to create your personalized message. You can search using filters like price range, 24-hour delivery or specific terms like  “Breaking Bad” in the search bar.
Cameo has an extensive collection of celebrities to discover
Source: Cameo
  • Once you find a celebrity, you can check their reviews and browse video collections. You can either book a video or send a personalized message. 
  • Next, to book a video, fill in the request form with essential details like the request type, the sender and recipient details, a few lines describing the receiver, etc. The platform expects an advance payment, which would be refunded otherwise.
  • Depending on the celebrity, you will receive your video within a 7-day window. As soon as the video is ready, you will receive an email notification, and the video will also appear in your Cameo account. 

Camoes prices vary based on the celebrities you opt for, and typically are within $1 to $500. The platform charges 25% commission on every transaction. While Cameo’s primary revenue comes from personalized videos, it also monetizes from live video calls, personalized messages, and videos for business promotions.

How to Build a Celebrity App like Cameo?

Now that you know the platform’s mechanics and revenue streams, let’s move on to the crux: how to develop an app like Cameo.

Here are the essential steps to create a celebrity app like Cameo:

1. Choose a Profitable Niche

To establish a successful business, you need to have a solid niche. That’s where your groundwork starts! So, what kind of platform do you wish to build? A platform like Cameo exclusively for musicians, actors or one specifically for business purposes. The choice is yours!

You can create your Cameo-like platform based on the following niches:

  • Pop stars, famous music artists and performers
  • Popular TV stars and Hollywood celebrities
  • Boxing Legends
  • Social media influencers and TikTok stars
  • Entrepreneurs and top business leaders

Decide on a niche that you are an expert in or passionate about. If you wish to emulate Cameo’s success, ensure your niche solves an existing market gap and scores high on profitability!

2. Market Research & Competitor Analysis

Now that you have zeroed in on your niche, it’s time to analyze the user needs and market scenario. This helps to validate your business idea and ensures your product has a unique selling point and is viable. 

Considering your users’ needs helps define a better product. As Bruce Ernst says, “Your customer is the center of your universe.” 

The goal is to understand what your user wants: interests, pain points, and expectations. 

The following factors are essential for market research:

  • Target Audience: Identify the core characteristics of your target audience: age, gender, location, marital status, income, behavioral patterns, hobbies, etc. Use surveys, questionnaires, interviews, and polls to gather data. For example, if most of your target audience is Gen Z, they would love their fan moment with TikTok superstar Charli D’Amelio, who has over 154.5 million followers.
  • Competitors: Identify 5-6 successful businesses in the chosen niche and analyze their best features, revenue streams, and business models.
  • Industry Trends: Stay adept with industry trends by leveraging tools like Google Trends, Exploding Topics, and Semrush. Use websites like Statista, subscribe to newsletters, and join communities related to your niche. 
WWF wrestling is a trending topic as per Google Trends Report
WWF wrestling is a trending topic as per Google Trends Report
  • Technology: The rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning has transformed the tools for market research.
  • Socio-Economic Trends: Lastly, the ongoing socio-economic trends also influence customer behavior preferences.Choose Your Monetization Model

A well-executed monetization model ensures a steady flow of income and helps your business sail through the occasional ebbs and flows. While you might think the monetization model is only for gauging financial viability, it’s also significant for scalability, decision-making, and resource allocation.

Here are the most common monetization models for your business:

  • Commission-based Model

It is the most popular model for content creator platforms like Cameo. In this model, the platform takes a share of every purchase. The commission typically ranges from 20% to 30%, depending on the niche, transaction volume, sale type and creator.

It’s a lucrative model for the marketplace—buyers, sellers, and business owners. Moreover, users only have to pay when they earn, so it’s a low-risk venture.

  • Subscription-based Model

For the commission model, the user needs to pay each time to access a service. The subscription-based model offers a premium offering! For example, you can offer a monthly or yearly subscription plan with exclusive access to a list of celebrities and influencers and 3 free shoutouts.

  • Advertising Model

Another relevant business model is the advertising model, which helps you to earn bulk revenue through third-party advertisements. These ads could be from banner ads, sponsored ads or targeted promotions within your app. The various pricing models are cost-per-click(CPC), cost-per-mile(CPM), cost-per-action (CPA). 

  • Sponsorship Model

In the sponsorship model you reach out to popular brands or sponsors related to your niche. For example, you could collaborate with a popular sports or beverage brand. And the celebrities could create personalized messages featuring the sponsored brand. Discuss the scope of the partnership and guidelines to create high-quality and engaging content.

Most importantly, choose a business model that best fits your products, services, and business needs.

3. Choose the Right Development Approach

Once you have defined your niche, analyzed the market scenario and identified a suitable business model, it’s time to build the product. There are two major approaches to creating a celebrity app like Cameo.

Build From Scratch

If you are not a coding wizard or have planned an extensive feature list, you must hire a development team. You need a skilled team of business analysts, designers, developers, managers and testers. Moreover, building a  Cameo app clone takes around 5-6 months and demands a high budget. 

So, let’s look at a more quick and effective approach!

Leverage a Clone-app

A clone app is a digital app that emulates all the essential functionalities of a popular application and helps quickly launch the product.

So, how are clone scripts more effective than building from scratch?

  • Offers all the core features to create a popular application
  • Reduces the overall time and efforts for development & testing
  • A cost-effective solution over building from scratch
  • No coding skills required
  • Focus more on growing and promoting your business
  • Customize the product as per your business needs and niche

4. Testing and Launching

After the development phase, you need to validate whether your application meets the business and technical needs. 

77% of users evaluate the app’s performance before buying. In the testing phase, the application’s vulnerabilities and critical bugs are detected. The application is tested for different aspects, such as performance, security, functionality, and OS and screen compatibility.

Unit, integration, system, and user acceptance testing are essential to ensure your app is bug-free. Beta testing is a crucial step, as it values user insights before the product launch. Share the app’s pre-launch version with beta testers or use specialized testing tools for last-minute bug fixes.

Now is the time for the final launch! Determine where you want to deploy your app: the Google Play Store or the Apple Store. A cross-platform promotional strategy helps you target a wide audience. 

5. Promoting Your App

Once you have completed the final app launch, it’s time to spread the word! To increase downloads, you need to promote your app across various channels.

Given below are a few marketing ideas to promote your app:

  • Increase your visibility with App Store Optimization (ASO); focus on app name, keywords, description, screenshots, ratings, etc.
  • Share engaging tips & tricks on social media posts, optimize your bio, and build your community on social media.
  • Create blog posts about your niche and market trends to build domain authority.
  • Feature your app and its key features on your company website 
  • Collaborate with top influencers relevant to your niche and user base.
  • Use sponsored posts and paid social media ads to reach your target audience.
  • Run referral campaigns and offer incentives like discounts or points to your existing customers.
  • Advertise your app in company emails, including newsletters, tech support, etc. 
  • Create demo videos and share them on your YouTube channel

Now, you are well-versed in the steps to build your Cameo version. Let’s look at the celebrity app’s essential features you can’t miss!

What are the Core Features for Creating an App like Cameo?

A cameo-like app has three major entities: admin, celebrities, and users.

Here are the core features for a Cameo-like app:

Key Celebrity-App Features

  • Easy, user-friendly interface
  • Connect with your fans via 1: 1 live video calls or chat messages
  • Earn from diverse monetization channels like live video calls, private chat, etc. 
  • Engage with fans by sharing your opinion on specific topics

Key User-App Features

  • Personalized video messages
  • Celebrity profiles from diverse categories
  • Live video streaming
  • Chat with favorite celebs
  • Extensive filters for celebrity-search
  • Public feed to share your shoutouts
  • Built-in payment integration
  • Geo-location for locating local celebrities
  • Social media integration that enables share celebrity videos on different platforms

Key Admin-App Features

  • Robust analytics dashboard
  • Diverse monetization channels like standardized commission rates and celebrity-specific rates, ad revenue, sponsorships etc.
  • Manage celebrity and user profiles

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App like Cameo?

Although it’s difficult to estimate the development cost accurately, we have made a rough estimate here. The overall cost to develop an app like Cameo would be around $40,000 to $60,000 based on a few factors.

Listed below are the detrimental factors that influence the overall development cost:

  • Product feature-set
  • UI Design Complexity
  • Hourly rate of the developers
  • No. of team members
  • Project size & complexity
  • Tech Stack
  • Location
  • Platform Compatibility
  • Development Method

Here’s a quick breakdown of the development cost based on different development phases:

Development Stages Number of Hours Cost
Planning & Research 2-4 weeks  $5,000 – $10,000
UI/UX Design 4- 8 weeks $7,000 – $10,000
Development 12-24 weeks $15,000 – $25,000
Testing and QA 4-8 weeks $5,000 – $6,000
Deployment 1- 2 weeks $5,000 – $10,000
Maintenance 2- 4 weeks $5,000 – $6,000
Total Development Cost 6 – 12 months $42,000 – $67,000

Besides, the cost to build a celebrity app like Cameo depends primarily on the hourly rate of developers, which varies by location. 

Here’s a quick summary of the hourly rates in major outsourcing countries:

Location Hourly Rate
North America $38- $63
Latin America $33- $61
Asia $18- $40
Eastern Europe $20- $50
Africa $20- $40

From the statistics, it’s clear that the development rates in Eastern Europe and Asia are cost-effective.

Overall development cost = Total app development time (hours) x hourly rate

Popular Cameo-like Platforms

Let’s take a look at the popular Cameo-like celebrity shoutout platforms!

  • Fanmio

Fanmio is a platform exclusively based on boxing superstars. It offers meet-greet sessions, signed merch, and PPV tickets to enthusiastic fans at a price.

Fanmio is a Cameo-like platform exclusively based on Boxing Superstars
Fanmio is a Cameo-like platform exclusively based on Boxing Superstars
  • Memmo

Memmo is a cameo-like celebrity shoutout app for actors, musicians, sports stars, and others. It features a 24-hour delivery service that reduces the wait time for your personalized video message.

Memmo is a cameo-like celebrity shoutout app for actors, musicians, and sports stars.
Memmo is a cameo-like celebrity shoutout app for actors, musicians, and sports stars.
  • Hi-YA

A powerful platform for getting personalized messages from comedians, musicians, actors, TikTok stars, TV stars, etc. Hi-Ya is an instant video feature that helps you get your customized video message in less than two minutes.

Hi-YA is a powerful platform for getting personalized video messages from comedians, musicians, actors, etc.
Hi-YA is a powerful platform for getting personalized video messages from comedians, musicians, actors, etc.

Well, these were a few successful platforms that created some buzz with their unique features. If you want to be the next popular Cameo-like platform in the list, a ready-made script like could be your silver bullet!

Why Develop Your Cameo Clone with is a ready-made turnkey script that offers all the essential features to build a celebrity app like Cameo. It is a white-label, self-hosted solution that helps you build your celebrity marketplace in no time. It is a powerful solution that reduces the time and effort required to create a product from scratch!

Fanso is an excellent turnkey script to build your subscription-based community marketplace
Fanso is an excellent turnkey script to build your subscription-based community marketplace

Here are the Fanso’s key features that make it ideal to make an app like Cameo:

  • Live Streaming

Essentially, the platform’s top feature helps creators host live streaming sessions. This helps offer a heightened engagement to fans and also includes additional tips!

  • Powerful Creator Dashboard

Creators can perform various functions, such as uploading and managing media, profile management, store management, and tracking commissions and payout requests.

  • Dedicated Admin Dashboard

The dashboard shows detailed analytics on the total earnings, no. of active creators and users, orders delivered, etc. 

  • Personalized Chat with Creators

Once you subscribe to a creator, you can initiate engaging conversations with them.

  • Diverse Monetization Channels

Admin can earn from standard commissions and also creator-specific commission rates.

  • Built-in Payment Integration

Convenient and secure payments with built-in Stripe and CCBill integrations

  • Extensive Search Filters

Easier search tool to find your favorite creator across various categories or with a specific keyword.

The Final Few Words

Cameo leads the creator platform bandwagon with its lucrative business model and extensive pool of celebrities. To build a celebrity app like Cameo, you need to emulate the platform’s core features yet attract your audience with a USP. Niche down and determine the monetization strategies that meet your business goals. 

Most importantly, choose the right development approach that reduces your development time and cost. Preferably, build your influencer community marketplace with a highly customizable solution like So, why wait? Reach out to our skilled team now!

FAQs-Related to How to Build a Celebrity App like Cameo

1. What technology stack is recommended for developing a celebrity app like Cameo?

React Native, Node.js, MongoDB, Flutter, etc., are the recommended tech stacks to create a celebrity app like Cameo.

2. What percentage do celebrities get from Cameo?

Cameo charges a 25% commission on every purchase on the platform. So, the celebrities receive the remaining 75% of the booking price. For all the purchases made through Cameo App (excluding cameo calls), Apple takes a 30% sales cut on the transactions.

3. What are the revenue models for a celebrity app?

Commission-based model, subscription-based model, advertising model and sponsorship model are the prominent revenue models to build a celebrity app like Cameo.

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