How to Promote OnlyFans on PornHub?

OnlyFans and Pornhub are undeniably the two reigning platforms in the adult entertainment industry. Both platforms have created alluring billion-dollar empires, changing the landscape of adult content entirely! Now, instead of counting on these two OGs of adult space distinctly, can they be a match made in heaven for an OnlyFans creator? If yes, how to promote OnlyFans on Pornhub?

As an OnlyFans creator, the climb to being the top % creators could be pretty steep, primarily due to the sheer number of creators on the popular adult platform. That’s when you start exploring unconventional ways to entice fans and top the charts. This blog expounds on one such method: promoting OnlyFans on Pornhub

So, are you ready to take an audacious sprint as an OnlyFans creator?

Is it a Good Idea to Promote OnlyFans on Pornhub? 

Yes, it is indeed a great idea to promote OnlyFans on Pornhub! If you need some proof, let’s look at their traffic numbers! According to Semrush, OnlyFans attracted traffic of 927.33 M, and Pornhub got a whopping 11.05B visits in March. 

Now, you might be startled by the insane traffic volume Pornhub attracts.

As a creator, this could prove to be your silver bullet! What if you could tap into this massive Pornhub audience and lead them to your OnlyFans profile! Now, that’s a smart move! For that, you must create on-demand content, upload teasers to your exclusive OnlyFans content and grow your fans.

That said, let’s understand how the epic adult platform works before we delve into the different promotion strategies!

How Does Pornhub Work?

Pornhub is a Canadian pornography website to access free porn videos. Simply put, it is a massive repository of porn videos. Creators can upload videos and monetize their content. Like YouTube, people earn when their videos cross a significant number of views or from ad revenues.

Additionally, Pornhub offers diverse revenue streams to rake in money. Let’s look at the platform’s diverse revenue streams!

  • Ad Revenue: Earning from ads running alongside your videos is the most common monetization method on the site.
  • Custom Videos: You can earn additional revenue by creating custom videos catering to fan’s sexual fantasies. The creator gets 65% of the revenue, and 15% goes towards processing fees.
  • Tips & Fanclub: You can also earn from generous tips offered by fans as a sliver of their appreciation. 
  • Referrals: Earn from referrals directing new creators to join Pornhub. It’s about $50 for every model who joins and uploads two videos on the platform.
  • Monthly Contests: You can earn from monthly contests by winning big prizes.

Next, let’s see how to include Pornhub on your radar as a wonderful marketing tool! 

How to Promote OnlyFans on Pornhub?

If you are overwhelmed by promoting your OnlyFans on the world’s most visited adult website, here’s how to get started: 

Step 1: Create an account on Pornhub

Obviously, the first step to getting started is to create your Pornhub account. And the steps are pretty straightforward! Visit the Pornhub website, and click on the “Sign up” icon in the top-right corner.

Enter your email address, username and password in the sign-up window. Preferably, choose a username that goes with your OnlyFans profile. You must be over 18 years of age to register on Pornhub. 

Next, you must fill in the model application form, where you submit your personal and payment details. 

Finally, you have created your Pornhub account!

Step 2: Connect your OnlyFans profile to Pornhub

Once you have created your Pornhub account, it’s time you connect your OnlyFans account to it. Unlike OnlyFans, which doesn’t allow you to find someone through its native search, fans can easily find you on Pornhub with your stage name. So, once they land on your Pornhub profile, you can easily direct them to your OnlyFans page.

Listed below are a few tried and tested strategies to link your OnlyFans account to Pornhub:

  • Include your OnlyFans URL in the banner photo of your Pornhub profile.

OnlyFans URL in the banner photo of your Pornhub profile

  • Add your OnlyFans profile link as your personal website under “Contact information.”

Take a look at a snippet on Reddit,it says you can include OnlyFans as your official website on Pornhub.

Creator Added OnlyFans profile link as a personal website

Step 3: Use Pornhub as an advertising tool

Now that you have linked your OnlyFans to your Pornhub profile, spread the word with your content. Make your pornhub account your video repository, where you post the adult content videos that you got! 

However, you mustn’t upload all your exclusive content. This would take away the surprise element and reduce the curiosity of your fans. Instead, create 1-minute teasers to your long videos on OnlyFans. 

To lead your users to your profile, mention your profile link at the start and end of your video. Also, at the end of the trailer, mention, “Check out the full version on your OnlyFans link…”

For beginners, here’s what you can promote on your Pornhub profile:

  • Short clips
  • Behind the Scenes videos
  • Content Series 
  • Curated Playlists

Step 4: Increase traffic to your Pornhub profile

Now, you might have got a few significant leads from your Pornhub profile. However, to keep the show on, it’s essential to maximize the traffic to your Pornhub account.

Here are a few strategies you can follow to make your profile more visible:

  • Use the right metadata and keywords 

You might have ticked all the boxes to ensure your content appeals to the audience, but your videos aren’t picking up steam. That’s when the need to optimize your content strikes you! Targeting the right keywords and metadata helps you to rank higher in the search results.

Metadata on Pornhub means information like video titles, categories, and tags that help to easily identify your content. While tags refer to different actions, props, and settings, categories speak about the performers, product style, etc. Choose the tags and categories wisely to avoid misleading viewers. 

Use around 16 tags and 8 relevant categories to make your videos appear on the search results. For example, you can include tags like “handcuffs” to appear when a user searches for videos with the object “handcuffs.” 

A great way to optimize your profile is to take a look at the trending searches. According to Pornhub’s recent data reports, searches for keywords like “big,” “grandma,” and ” petite brunette, have spiked recently.

Below is an infographic that illustrates the most-searched adult-related terms in the United States. So, try including them in your profile!

  • Promote on Twitter 

While it is cliche to say that social media is a great marketing tool, Twitter seems to be the go-to platform for promoting adult content. In fact, NSFW is one of the top growing topics on Twitter, and 13% of Twitter posts are NSFW. 

So, how to promote Pornhub on Twitter? You can instantly grow your fanbase using Twitter by posting new uploads consistently on the platform. Use an alluring thumbnail and a creative title to make your brand more relatable and recognizable.

Leverage hashtags like #onlyfans, #lingerie, #feet, or other niche-specific tags on your Twitter posts. Obviously, this increases your chances to pop up in a search result!

Respond to NSFW threads at least 2-3 times per day. Engaging with your followers is a great way to drive visits to your Pornhub. Did you know that you can easily automate your Twitter integration? All you need to do is just set up the account and decide the maximum number of tweets per video and per account! Twitter enables automatic tweets whenever there is a new video upload or a new fan-only video.

  • Promote on Subreddits 

A surefire way to get a truckload of traffic to your Pornhub profile is by sharing some stills, gifs on various subreddits!

Here’s a handy list of subreddits for promoting your adult content:

While you might win raving comments beneath your post, include your tube site link (pornhub link) in the post to redirect traffic to your Pornhub account. Reddit is an excellent way to promote adult content, given its NSFW-friendly policies. Create a fanbase on Reddit, and offer what your audience wants. Most importantly, post quality posts as they are the ones that drive “upvotes.”

Additionally, you can even watermark your pics with the logo or the porn website link.

Watermarking the pics with the logo or the Pornhub profile link

  • Collaborate with other creators

Do you need to add some additional kicks to your Pornhub profile? Collaborate with other creators on the platform, preferably those with a good fanbase following!

So, why head for a collaboration?

Effective collaboration helps widen your reach and could perhaps make your content spicier (engaging)!  Further, when more people view your content, it could drive more conversions for both platforms! So, it’s a win-win situation! 

All you need is to don your detective hats to find the right creators based on their followers and your budget! 

Benefits of Promoting on Pornhub

The following are the benefits of promoting OnlyFans on Pornhub:

  • Broader Reach: With 120 million users a day, Pornhub has enormous potential to grow your OnlyFans subscribers. And the Pornhub audience would love the kind of adult content that’s popular on OnlyFans! 
  • More Revenue: More reach, more revenue! Although you started on Pornhub to promote your OnlyFans profile, you won’t run out of options to monetize your content! Both adult platforms offer many revenue streams for earning money. So, either way, it’s a win-win situation!
  • Use Pornhub as a Marketing Tool: It is an excellent advertising tool to redirect fans to other fan sites like OnlyFans. All you need to do is to increase traffic to your Pornhub profile!
  • Alternative to social media platforms: Promoting adult content on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok is not recommended given the platform’s policies against NSFW content. However, Pornhub is an ideal platform to promote your NSFW content.

What are the Alternative Ways to Promote Your OnlyFans Profile?

Now that you know the different ways to promote OnlyFans on Pornhub, you must not limit your promotions here! Try leveraging multiple platforms to promote your OnlyFans. This could increase your prospects of being easily discovered and grow your subscribers!

Let’s take a look at some other foolproof platforms to lead traffic to your OnlyFans profile:

1. Other Social platforms like Instagram and Tiktok

Although Instagram and TikTok aren’t ideal choices, given the strict guidelines for NSFW content, you can promote your OnlyFans profile without explicit content using behind-the-scenes videos, teasers, etc. Use suitable hashtags and include the OnlyFans link in the bio.

2.  Adult Cam Sites

Does your content include a lot of nudity and NSFW content? Then, you might not have to look far to seek your ideal audience; adult cam sites might be your goldilocks platform—just right for your content! Basically, because the audience is already hooked on saucy adult content! A few top adult cam sites are Chaturbate, Stripchat, Camsoda, and Jerkmate.

3. Adult Networks

Another way to target OnlyFans promotions is through adult ad networks.  These ad networks bridge the publishers, typically adult websites, with advertisers who want to promote adult content. Some top contenders boasting a solid adult ad network are TrafficJunky, Exoclick, JuicyAds, Plugrush, etc.

Final Few Words

Pornhub and OnlyFans are the two top adult platforms in the adult entertainment niche. The NSFW factor might be a bit of a snag while promoting your OnlyFans content. That’s why knowing how to promote OnlyFans on Pornhub could be a total game-changer!

Promoting your OnlyFans on Pornhub automatically draws in viewers from the top adult website. Given their evident similarities, these two platforms fit like two jigsaw puzzle pieces! In this blog, we have emphasized leveraging the unified power of both platforms rather than using them separately! 

Additionally, establishing a decent fanbase on Pornhub could help you to rake in money from both platforms. Regardless of the platform from which you gain a subscriber, you certainly hold a perfect recipe for long-term success! 

FAQs-Related to How to Promote OnlyFans on Pornhub

1. What are the best ways to promote my OnlyFans profile?

Twitter, Reddit, Tiktok, collaborating with creators, adult websites like pornhub, etc, are effective ways to promote your OnlyFans account.

2. Is it possible to promote OnlyFans on Pornhub?

Pornhub is the #1 adult website attracting 11.05B visits. So, promoting OnlyFans on pornhub is an excellent idea to grow your subscribers.

3. Can I be successful on OnlyFans without promoting?

Yes, you can run a successful OnlyFans account without promoting. However, promotions can help you to attract a quality audience and expand your reach.

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